Hedning, i am not sure how to define a "megabase." running the trains i do, each segment takes up a huge pile of space. How about you? What do you consider a mega base? There's no way of defining exactly what a mega base is, however I still got a pretty good picture of what she considers it to be. Set yourself some type of goal then call it quits and start a new game.Originally posted by Phileksa:by that definition, my tendency to start using trains as multi-purpose conveyor belts to simplify building factories that make specific items means i have a "megabase" already And I dont start with a "bus" design neither. Honestly in order to complete a game I would say launching 1000 rockets for victory. It just seems like they're making the game easier so there no challenge in it anymore. What was so hard about creating "filtered splitter" as a new game item. It's just like they added filters to the splitter. This is where I think the direction the game should be going. Then use those units to attack enemy bases. I would personally love to actually build an entire factory as a barracks in order to produce troops. Most RTS is you either have an airport, barracks, settlement or siege factory. Then select a group of vehicles and send them out to kill enemies or complete missions. So you could just mass-produce hundreds of tanks or vehicles. Honestly I would like to see similar controls added to the game like you see in other RTS Like Age of empires, Stronghold or Starcraft. But everybody in the community thinks these are terrible ideals.
I honestly want to see factorio implement disasters such as nuclear meltdowns, power surges, earthquakes, tornadoes just a new series of challengers making the game more difficult. But with games like SimCity once you reach 10 million population you become bored out of your mind unless you have disasters enabled. Normally when I finish a map and just run out of room to build on most games I'd call it quits. Personally I'm interested in RTS's and CityBuilders. But it seems like everybody wants to turn this game into a "Sandbox" and remove the aliens. I've actually made similar suggestions implementing a queen or some type of late game challenge. But would be nice if there was some reason for building that mega factory. The logistics of moving the HUGE quantities of material is very enteratining to figure out :-) Originally posted by KatherineOfSky:End-game production (of x science per minute) is quite a different challenge than "regular" production to build a single rocket.
So figure out an impenatrable wall of lasers and fame turrets. Barring that at some point your progression will slow, stop and then when you run out of a critical resource begin to shrink.
or you can expand fast enough that yoru artillery can efficiently clear an areawith frewer resources (including time) than you extract from that area, then you can expand indefinately. it kills bohemoth biters and spitters before they can damage the walls. if you have a completely energy adn oil based defence that requires zero non-renewable resources, i.e. Eventually you will reach equilibrium, where the biter menace keeps you from efficiently expanding further. But biter influx increases as the exposed surface of the base perimeter. Your resource collection, other than power and oil, is linear depending on the player(s) time effciiency. On deathworld it is to see how long you can outlast the revenous hordes of biters. I suppose at that point the goal is to see how much of the planet you can develop before your UPS gets unbearably low. Rocket launches generate white research, which is used to research the end game technologies, basically infinite upgrades liek artillery range, mining productivity, etc. Originally posted by ssg:Does Factorio have any end game? What I understand you can build your base so you can launch rocket or satelites, but they only generate reseach which doesn't have any purpose at that point.